Help DTS have a strong finish to the fiscal year

Despite the unprecedented circumstances the world is experiencing, God’s truth remains unchanged. At Dallas Theological Seminary we equip godly servant-leaders to proclaim this truth and build up the body of Christ worldwide. 

But we need your help to accomplish this. Your financial support allows us to equip and send strong Christian preachers, teachers, and leaders into the world to share the gospel and strengthen believers. 

We are approaching a crucial time for DTS. Our fiscal year ends on June 30. You can help us finish the fiscal year on budget so that we can not only continue this important work but also expand it to train men and women all over the globe.

Will you make a gift today to help support the work of DTS? Your donation of any amount can be made using the secure form below.To thank you for being a friend of DTS, we will send you a copy of Dr. Mark Hitchcock’s new book, Corona Crisis: Plagues, Pandemics, and the Coming Apocalypse. In Corona Crisis, pastor and professor Dr. Hitchcock shares how the outbreak of novel coronavirus can be understood in perspective of end-time biblical prophecies. Coronavirus is not the fulfillment of these events, but just as Jesus used contemporary events of tragedy to ask pointed questions of preparations for eternity (Luke 13:1–9)—the present crisis should be a wake-up call to prepare for the coming of Christ.

NOTE: Due to restrictions from the United States Postal Service, DTS is unable to ship books to certain countries at this time. To determine if we are currently able to ship to your address, please click on this link:

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