Give $300 to Purchase a Student’s Books

As you know, attending Dallas Theological Seminary is a serious commitment. Students juggle many responsibilities—such as managing careers, parenting children, and leading ministries—all while pursuing a Seminary degree. Nevertheless, they are dedicated, motivated, and confident that studying God’s Word is a worthwhile endeavor for their life.

Our incoming students are preparing to begin their Seminary journey and are working hard to be able to attend this year. However, many of them are having trouble paying for their books. While our students have raised the money for tuition, many don’t have the extra funds to pay for their books before starting classes. From what our alumni say, this is not a new problem. You may even remember this happening to you!

We are asking our DTS alumni to help a new student by giving a one-time gift of $300. Your support will pay for an incoming student’s books and be such a great encouragement that says, “We support you and want to help you get the education you need to lead the church well.”

Would you consider making a gift of $300 to help a new student purchase books for his or her first semester?

You can use the secure donation form below. Thank you in advance!

Yes! I want to help a student buy their “First Books” at DTS!

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Your commitment will impact the lives of students for years to come because you have provided the means for them to continue with their seminary education. I wanted to share a few notes of gratitude we have received from students that show just how meaningful a scholarship has been in their lives: “Thank you for following God’s direction. Thank you for seeing the importance of Christians growing in their understanding of God and His Word. Thank you for trusting DTS and me to use your donation to glorify God to the best of our abilities. Thank you for partnering with me in what Christ has called me toward.” – Lindsay “It is through this program that I believe that I will be able to follow God’s call for my life, to love people well and to share the gospel with the lost.” – Zachary “The scholarship award you generously and graciously provided not only is helping me pay tuition without going into debt but has greatly boosted my confidence in God’s plan for my life.” – Linda I hope you are encouraged to know that your gift will be used to bless and equip the next generation of godly servant-leaders. They have followed in your footsteps by studying God’s Word at DTS, and they will ultimately follow your example by taking the gospel to a world in need. Thank you, Dr. Mark M. Yarbrough President