Join the Alumni Scholarship Fund

Great Students Need Great Support

Dr. Mark Bailey created the Alumni Scholarship Fund as a parting gift from his 20 years as president on June 30th, 2020. Thus far, the ASF has raised $1.55 million pledged over five years, nearly one-third of the way to its goal of $5 million.

Although 70–80 percent of students qualify for aid, current funds only allow DTS to offer funding to 30 percent of those students. Only one in four qualified international applicants can attend because of the lack of financial help. Even those studying online in their home countries, such as the more than 90 DTS students spreading the gospel in China, require substantial financial assistance. That means only a sliver of those who want to attend DTS are able to receive a DTS theological education founded upon all 66 books of the Bible.

Will you do your part to join us in growing the Alumni Scholarship Fund? Will you make a commitment today to give a monthly gift for the next five years, thereby helping more students receive a theologically sound education?

Sponsor one student a year
GIVE: $12,000 each year for 5 years ($1,000 monthly)
You will help equip five students with this five-year commitment

Sponsor one student for a semester
GIVE: $6,000 each year for five years ($500 monthly)
You will help equip three students with this five-year commitment

Provide a $2,400 scholarship annually
GIVE: $2,400 each year for five years ($200 monthly)

Yes! I want to sponsor a student’s education with my five-year commitment below:

Your Donation


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Payment Method

Credit Card Information

Thank you for your support and leadership in the Alumni Scholarship Fund!

Your commitment will impact the lives of students for years to come because you have provided the means for them to continue with their seminary education.

I wanted to share a few notes of gratitude we have received from students that show just how meaningful a scholarship has been in their lives:

“Thank you for following God’s direction. Thank you for seeing the importance of Christians growing in their understanding of God and His Word. Thank you for trusting DTS and me to use your donation to glorify God to the best of our abilities. Thank you for partnering with me in what Christ has called me toward.” – Lindsay

“It is through this program that I believe that I will be able to follow God’s call for my life, to love people well and to share the gospel with the lost.” – Zachary

“The scholarship award you generously and graciously provided not only is helping me pay tuition without going into debt but has greatly boosted my confidence in God’s plan for my life.” – Linda

I hope you are encouraged to know that your gift will be used to bless and equip the next generation of godly servant-leaders. They have followed in your footsteps by studying God’s Word at DTS, and they will ultimately follow your example by taking the gospel to a world in need.

Please join us in praying for God to move others to participate in this Alumni Campaign, and please encourage your fellow DTS alumni to follow your example in giving back.

Thank you,

Dr. Mark M. Yarbrough

Your Monthly Donation


Billing Information

Payment Method

Credit Card Information

Thank you for your support and leadership in the Alumni Scholarship Fund!

Your commitment will impact the lives of students for years to come because you have provided the means for them to continue with their seminary education.

I wanted to share a few notes of gratitude we have received from students that show just how meaningful a scholarship has been in their lives:

“Thank you for following God’s direction. Thank you for seeing the importance of Christians growing in their understanding of God and His Word. Thank you for trusting DTS and me to use your donation to glorify God to the best of our abilities. Thank you for partnering with me in what Christ has called me toward.” – Lindsay

“It is through this program that I believe that I will be able to follow God’s call for my life, to love people well and to share the gospel with the lost.” – Zachary

“The scholarship award you generously and graciously provided not only is helping me pay tuition without going into debt but has greatly boosted my confidence in God’s plan for my life.” – Linda

I hope you are encouraged to know that your gift will be used to bless and equip the next generation of godly servant-leaders. They have followed in your footsteps by studying God’s Word at DTS, and they will ultimately follow your example by taking the gospel to a world in need.

Please join us in praying for God to move others to participate in this Alumni Campaign, and please encourage your fellow DTS alumni to follow your example in giving back.

Thank you,

Dr. Mark M. Yarbrough