The world needs biblical truth now more than ever.

We live in a world desperately searching for truth. Each day, people direct their lives based on cultural pressure and popular opinion rather than the unfailing truth found in God’s Word.

That’s why Dallas Theological Seminary takes seriously its commitment to making biblical truth accessible to anyone who seeks it.

For 98 years, DTS has equipped servant-leaders to proclaim the gospel and build up the body of Christ around the world. And there is still much more work to be done!

DTS has equipped more than 18,000 graduates, and our alumni serve in all 50 states and in more than 100 countries. DTS graduates have impacted millions of people worldwide through their ministries.

And now, more than 500,000 people worldwide have enrolled in our free online courses to receive solid biblical and theological training at no cost!

But together, we can do more!

Since Dallas Theological Seminary is a nondenominational Seminary, we do not receive any denominational funding. Therefore, we rely on generous friends like you to help us continue equipping leaders to teach the truth of the Bible worldwide. 

Today, we are looking for 100 friends of DTS to become Cornerstone Partners. 

Cornerstone Partners are faithful supporters who establish a recurring, automatic monthly gift to support the mission of DTS. If you become a Cornerstone Partner, you will receive these benefits:

  • A copy of the book Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World: Certain Hope in Uncertain Times by Dr. David Jeremiah (for commitments of $20 per month or more)
  • Early-bird access to free online courses before they are released
  • A free subscription to DTS Magazine–offering updates, stories, and articles rich in biblical commentary and theological exposition
  • A monthly email from DTS Voice with engaging online resources such as chapel messages, podcasts, and articles

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