Help point more people to the truth of God’s Word

by making a year-end gift to Dallas Theological Seminary

In today’s world, there are plenty of places to find “answers” but only one certain place to find truth—God’s Word. Believers must do all we can to point our neighbors—believers and unbelievers alike—to the life-giving message that we find in Scripture of God’s love for humanity and His plan of redemption for our sins.

That’s why at DTS we point people to Scripture in many different ways:

  • By equipping godly servant-leaders—our seminary students—to teach Scripture and grow the body of Christ.
  • By teaching God’s Word to anyone who is interested in learning through free online courses like Revelation, Genesis, and The Life of Christ.
  • By addressing difficult issues through eBooks and other informative resources.
  • By giving biblical perspective on today’s issues online at DTS Voice and through our podcasts called The Table.

As the end of 2018 approaches, we’re asking you to come alongside DTS and support these activities with a tax-deductible gift. In addition to helping DTS have a strong finish to the year, your gift will help 2019 initiatives:

  • Enrolling approximately 2,400 seminary students to be trained to take the truths of God’s Word into the world.
  • Launching new free online courses on the Books of Hebrews, Acts, and Daniel as well as on the Biblical Covenants.
  • Continuing to equip Christian leaders at our campuses in Dallas, Washington DC, and Houston as well as at our classes in Atlanta, Austin, Nashville, San Antonio, Hong Kong, and Guatemala.
  • Growing the reach of our distance and online education program by translating more of our existing online courses into Spanish and Mandarin.

A group of DTS friends has given a year-end Challenge Gift of $500,000. This gift is meant to challenge you and other supporters to multiply it to help reach our 2018 year-end goal.

Will you help meet this challenge?

Please make your year-end gift to Dallas Theological Seminary today using the secure form below:

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