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Each gift to Dallas Theological Seminary is an investment in a student. This investment ensures that each student will be equipped to proclaim the gospel and build up the body of Christ around the world.

What is the impact of one student? More than you might think.

  • DTS alumni David Jeremiah and Charles Swindoll pastor churches with attendance in the thousands.
  • DTS alum Jim Rayburn started Young Life, a ministry that disciples hundreds of thousands of young people each year.
  • DTS alumni Tony Evans and Chip Ingram host media ministries that reach millions of people each year.

But the beauty of it all is that every student has the potential of reaching many. Your investment in these students will produce a dividend that will live on for eternity. That kind of return isn’t found on Wall Street!

A gift to DTS is so much more than just a tax-deductible charitable donation—it’s a strategic investment in kingdom-multiplying work. We would be honored if you joined us today in this important mission.

I’ll help DTS teach truth!

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