Jonah & Ruth Free Online Course

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You’ve been enrolled in the Jonah and Ruth free online course, and you will receive an email containing your course material for the first week in just a few minutes.

Here’s what happens next:

  • After this lecture, you’ll receive eight more lectures that contain videos with teaching from Dr. Ron Allen.
  • After completion of the course, we’ll send you a printable certificate of completion. We’ll also inform you of new courses as they become available.

Why is Dallas Theological Seminary offering these courses for free?

We are offering this course on Jonah and Ruth because we are committed to reaching the world with the hope found in the Bible. Studying the books of Jonah and Ruth will help introduce you to the truth of God’s grace.

How are these courses made possible?

Dallas Theological Seminary doesn’t receive any government or denominational support, which means we rely on the generosity of people like you. Your support helps to underwrite the costs of creating, filming, and promoting these courses to teach Biblical truth to the world.

Will you help us teach the truth of the Bible to the world by making a tax-deductible contribution today?

NOTE: Due to restrictions from the United States Postal Service, DTS is unable to ship books to certain countries at this time. To determine if we are currently able to ship to your address, please click on this link:

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