Dallas Theological Seminary Cornerstone Partners

Will you become the next DTS Cornerstone Partner?

We are seeking faithful friends of Dallas Theological Seminary to become Cornerstone Partners. Cornerstone Partners make automatic, recurring monthly donations to DTS.

A commitment to give monthly ensures that DTS can continue to equip men and women to serve in ministry and proclaim the gospel around the world. It also helps us create and promote our free online courses and make them available to anyone who wants to deepen their knowledge of the Bible.

When you become a monthly supporter of DTS, you not only receive the blessing of knowing that you are supporting this ministry work but you also receive special benefits:

  • A copy of What Does the Bible Say About the Future by Charles Dyer (for commitments of $20 or more per month)
  • A subscription to DTS Magazine
  • Early access to new free online courses
  • Semi-annual update emails
  • Monthly letter mailed to you from DTS president Dr. Mark Yarbrough (optional)

You can activate your Cornerstone Partnership by making a monthly donation right now. The designated donation amount will be processed automatically on the specified date each month.

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Thank you for your support.

You will receive an e-mail confirmation of your gift shortly.