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Dallas Theological Seminary is reaching more people than ever with essential biblical and theological training. As a seminary, we are privileged to equip students from more than 60 countries to reach the world with the biblical and theological knowledge they gain through their studies. This means that our potential for worldwide influence is exponential since individuals from over 30% of all the countries around the globe are part of our student body!

Your gift today will help DTS continue its mission to equip servant-leaders from every tribe, language, people, and nation to teach the Word faithfully with boldness and accuracy.

North Texas Giving Day is approaching, and some seminary friends have initiated a $55,000 matching gift supporting DTS’s global mission. Your gift, given before midnight (CDT) on September 22, will have double the impact and help train even more students worldwide. Will you partner with us?

Yes! I want to help train even more biblical leaders around the world.

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