Your monthly gift as a Cornerstone Partner can help train leaders to reach the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ 365 days a year!

Our world is filled with people who are searching for answers and seeking to understand the gospel—not just in North Texas but around the globe. 

That’s why we are looking for 100 generous friends to sign up to become Cornerstone Partners by setting up a monthly gift before midnight (CDT) on September 21, which is North Texas Giving Day. The deadline is quickly approaching!

Your monthly gift helps DTS 

  • train the next generation of pastors, teachers, counselors, chaplains, missionaries, and other ministry leaders to go into a lost world and faithfully share the good news; 
  • equip students to give answers to those desiring to understand the gospel; and 
  • strengthen believers around the world by providing access to free online courses that deepen their study and understanding of God’s Word.  

You can become a Cornerstone Partner by setting up a recurring donation that is processed automatically each month.  

Cornerstone Partners who give monthly gifts of $20 or more will receive 

  • a copy of Dr. Erwin Lutzer’s book Seven Reasons Why You Can Trust the Bible
  • early-bird access to free online courses before they’re released to the public; 
  • a subscription to DTS Magazine—offering updates, stories, and articles rich in biblical commentary and theological exposition

If you would like to set up a recurring, automatic monthly donation, please click “Become a Cornerstone Partner” on the secure form below. 

You can change or cancel your monthly donation at any time by calling 800-200-2325 or emailing Make your secure donation now:

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You will receive an e-mail confirmation of your gift shortly.