Thank you for sending us your feedback on our online course!

It’s so helpful as we continue to create content that will equip believers everywhere to read and understand their Bibles better.

If this course made an impact on your spiritual growth, would you consider taking the next step to help us create more free courses like this one?

Here’s why we’re asking: the world needs biblical truth now more than ever.

We live in a world desperately searching for truth. Each day, people direct their lives based on cultural pressure and popular opinion, rather than the unfailing truth found in God’s word.

For more than 90 years, Dallas Theological Seminary has equipped people to proclaim the gospel and build up the body of Christ around the world. DTS professors use the entire Bible as the central course of study because it is the inerrant word of God.

You may be wondering…

Why is Dallas Theological Seminary offering these courses for free?

We offer these courses for free because we believe that the world desperately needs biblical truth. We want to teach more people how to correctly study the Scriptures and be transformed by them.

How are these courses made possible?

Dallas Theological Seminary doesn’t receive any government or denominational support – which means that courses like this rely on the generosity of people like you. Your support helps to underwrite the costs of creating, filming, and promoting these courses to teach Biblical truth to the world.

Will you make a tax-deductible contribution today to help more people experience the truth of the Bible through future online courses?

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